An Update of Our Progress on the Blog Post to Podcasting Journey

Like Any Project That Has Some Size…It Takes Some Time to Build

A few weeks back I told you about my plans to convert my blog posts into podcasts. We started by discussing the WHY question. We came up with the answer of – being able to help more busy people find solutions for building their dreams.

Next, we talked about HOW we would ever get blog posts turned into podcasts. It was determined that if I was going to do this…I was going to need some help, i.e., Nic at AdWise Creative. Nic’s help has made a huge difference in what we were able to accomplish.

Then, we reviewed our progress, which included –

  • Having written the intro and outro for the construction company focused podcasts
  • My recording of the construction company focused intro and outro
  • Nic having put together the intro and outro sound effects
  • Nic combining the intro, outro, sound effects and reading of the blog post into a preliminary episode

This got us to a point considered WHAT the next step of the journey would be. Which included –

  • Designing artwork for the podcast landing page – check
  • Researching and deciding where we would host the podcasts – check
  • Recording more construction company focused episodes – check
  • Write the intro and outro for the construction customer focused podcasts – check
  • Record the intro and outro for the construction customer focused podcasts

This is good progress. Four of the five things on that list are done and the things on this list aren’t easy.

Like I wrote about in the second post in this series, I would need some help to pull this off. Thanks to my assistant Katie and Stacey my IT specialist at Custom Internet for their help in getting the first couple of things on the list moved forward to where we are.

Let’s take a look at these things that we done.

First is the Solution Building podcast landing page. I’m very happy with the way this page has turned out. Thank you, Katie and Stacey, for all of your hard work on this beautiful site!

Before we could even have a podcast, we needed to decide where we host them. We decided on Castos as our podcast hosting site. There were a few reasons we chose them, but the main ones are…their connectivity with WordPress, which is the host platform of our other websites, unlimited storage of content, both audio and video, and an affordable price.

Yes, we have more recorded episodes done and you can listen to them here.

We’re still working on the intro and outros for the customer and life building podcasts. We also are working on getting the podcast page connected to our AWeber account. This will let people know when the most recent episode become available.

We’ll keep you updated as we go forward.

Go check out the podcasts and let me know what you think.

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