Building A Dream Life

Building A Dream Life

Being on the Winning Team

It’s Nice When Our Team Wins The 2024 Summer Olympics are just around the corner. The Olympics are a sports fan’s dream come true. There

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Building A Dream Life

Good vs. Evil…It’s a Choice

It’s Up to You to Choose Wisely Reading the book of Psalms is like riding an emotional roller coaster. One-minute things are going great. The

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Building A Dream Life

For Such a Time as This

The Question is: What Are You Going to Do About It? It’s Independence Day 2024. This is when we in America celebrate the signing of

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Building A Dream Life

What Would We Do Without Dads?

Nothing…Because We Wouldn’t Even Be Here That’s right. We wouldn’t have been born without a father. But just being a father doesn’t mean we’re good

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