It’s Simple Really…Get People to Help Me Build This Dream
Last week I wrote about why I want to turn my blog posts into podcasts. I discussed some of my excuses for putting this off.
The why question is where things start, but if you don’t do something it’s also where things stop. Answering the how question is the next step.
Like anything, if you don’t do something…it’s not going to get done.

Most problem solvers or solution finders think that doing something means doing everything. There’s just not enough time to do everything. This is why the blog posts aren’t podcasts yet.
Back to last week’s post, I told you that I was going to be meeting with Nic at AdWise Creative later that day. We met and things are happening.
Just because Nic is going to help me with this, doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to do. It’s just different things. I don’t have to learn everything about podcasting to get this done. Learning everything takes a lot of time. I will work with Nic, do the things that I do and let him do the things he’s good at.
One of the things I’ve been struggling with since I started thinking about making podcasts out of my blogs is a lot of professional marketers, people that I trust, told me that I needed to use my own voice for this.
They would say…it’s not that hard, you can do this, it will sound more authentic if it’s your voice.

All these things are true. The problem is time. There just isn’t enough time.
So, consequently…there still are no podcasts.
As I’ve thought about this, I began to relate it to construction (imagine that, as a person whose life revolves around construction). The construction process makes total sense to me. It’s like second nature.
Just this past week I’ve had several different situations where people have asked me for help or guidance regarding construction projects.
What’s harder for them is second nature to me
Me doing my own podcasts is the same. It’s like a novice DIYer doing their own construction project. They can do it, but it takes a lot longer and there will be mistakes.
Construction done by a contractor or guidance from an experienced construction consultant will make the project go much quicker and better.
Quicker and better and getting it done sounds like a good plan.
We all have our God given purpose. It’s up to us to focus on that and not try to do everything.
Back to the podcasting. I need to focus on my gifts and strengths and hire others to do the things that aren’t.
At this point it would be better to help people build their dreams by getting the weekly solutions out there…even if it’s not my voice.

Currently the plan is for me to record a short intro and outro for each of the three different areas.
- Systems and training to help construction companies searching for business solutions be more successful
- Education and assistance to help overwhelmed construction customers navigate the construction process
- Sharing lessons for building a better life using construction processes and a Biblical perspective
Nic will read and record the blog post turning it into a podcast. He will take care of the technical “podcasty stuff”. This is both of us focusing on our strengths.
I’m excited about getting these blog posts turned into podcasts. I hope getting the content out there in this audio format will reach more people and help them build their dreams.
Check back to follow along as we move forward in this process of building something new.