Solutions for... Building A Dream Business Building A Dream Construction Project Building A Dream Life 

Bridging the Gap Between Construction Companies & Customers

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Business Workshop

As a building contractor, how can I COMMUNICATE better with CUSTOMERS?

By preparing a clear, detailed and accurate PROPOSAL.

Find out more about building a better proposal.
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As a customer, how do I keep my DREAM CONSTRUCTION PROJECT from becoming a NIGHTMARE?

By asking the right questions and learning what a DREAM PROJECT should look like.

Find out more about building a dream project.
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As a person, how do I build a DREAM LIFE?

By starting with a SOLID FOUNDATION.

Find out more about building your life on a solid foundation.
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Building A Dream Business

Now What Am I Going To Do?

The Bottom of the Rut is Gone It’s been a tough few weeks. With the truck transmission needing to be replaced and the customer shorting

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Building A Dream Project

It’s That Time of the Year Again

Time to Protect Your Biggest Investment As I was looking at the calendar, I noticed we’re already well into March and rapidly approaching spring. This

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Building A Dream Life

Being on the Winning Team

It’s Nice When Our Team Wins The 2024 Summer Olympics are just around the corner. The Olympics are a sports fan’s dream come true. There

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Building A Dream Life

Good vs. Evil…It’s a Choice

It’s Up to You to Choose Wisely Reading the book of Psalms is like riding an emotional roller coaster. One-minute things are going great. The

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About Us

If you’re like most small to medium sized construction companies, you learned a specific craft that you liked doing. At some point you decided to start your own business. The problem is that you knew the trade, not how operate a business. I know because I was one of you when I started out.

Or maybe you’re a construction customer and have no idea what to expect when doing a construction project. How the construction process should work, what a construction proposal should include, what you should expect from a contractor or what different construction terms mean. I know because I’ve helped people like you.

My degree from the “school of hard knocks” and forty plus years of construction experience can help you find solutions for building your dream business, construction project and life.

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