Action is the One Thing Required if Anything is Going to Get Done

We Can Think Until Our Head Hurts, But Nothing Gets Done Until We Do It

If you’re like me…you have more ideas than you do time to do them. I’m always thinking of new and different ways to do things. These thoughts are bouncing around in there all the time.

Having a desire to use our talents and skills to help others is a driving force in the self-employed entrepreneurial field. Figuring out how to put ideas into action has been in the forefront of conversations in the mastermind and other professional discussions.

A servant’s heart is a foundation that these kinds of businesses are built on. The problem is that there are more ideas than time to do them.

Desire without action accomplishes nothing.

So, what action should I do first? How do I know if that’s the right thing? Quite honestly…you won’t. Not until after it’s been done. Whether or not it’s the right thing is less important than doing something. At the very least doing something, even if it wasn’t the “right thing”, you can learn something.

Think about how many lessons Thomas Edison learned with the light bulb (more than 3000). It would be a dark place if he’d never taking any action on his ideas.

Things will happen every day that influence and effect your plans. The important thing is to know your foundational mission and build everything on that. If you are clear about that mission you can work through the incidentals things that happen with flexible rigidity.

Don’t let distractions prevent you from taking action.

I’ve shared numerous times about the “Life Principles” in Andy Andrews’ book The Traveler’s Gift. Living these principles requires action…one focuses on that very thing. The Active Decision

I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous. Fear no longer has a place in my life. For too long, fear has outweighed my desire to make things better… Never again! I have exposed fear as a vapor, an impostor who never had any power over me in the first place! I do not fear opinion, gossip, or the idle chatter of monkeys for all are the same to me. I do not fear failure, for in my life, failure is a myth. Failure only exists for the person who quits.

“My future is immediate. I will grasp it with both hands and carry it with running feet. When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act!”

Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

One of those professional discussions about taking action was with my friend Vickie Adair. She helps families navigate the process of college admissions at Strategy to Launch. Making each step clear and manageable so the process is smooth and stress-free.

In that discussion, our mutual friend Bryan encouraged Vickie to make a video and post it social media. She took action and did it. She did that first next thing and took action. Way to go Vickie!

Just like a skyscraper, our lives are built one brick at a time.

Like Vickie, do that first next thing that will move you forward toward accomplishing your mission.

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