Being Clear About What’s Most Important Will Show Up in Your Actions
Today, January 6th, is the start of Epiphany. The commemoration of the three kings visiting Baby Jesus and giving Him their gifts. Most are familiar with the story in Matthew 2:1-12 of these wise men traveling the long-distance, led by a star and their faith.

At the time, Herod was king. He was sly and ruthless. Willing to do whatever it took to stay in power.
In an effort to find Jesus, the wise men were asking around Jerusalem about where they could find the King of the Jews.
When Herod heard about this new King, he was scared that he might lose his position of power.
Herod had a meeting with the wise men and asked them to come back after they found Jesus and let him know where He was so that he could go and worship Him too.
The three kings were faced with a risky choice…which king would they honor?
If they reported to Herod, there will be less risk of him hunting them down and killing them. Or they could worship Jesus and earn a ruthless enemy.
After the three kings found Jesus and gave Him their gifts, God told them in a dream to not tell Herod. So, they went home a different way.

They made the right choice.
The message of Epiphany is that every person must choose which king to honor. The king of worldly power or the King of Peace.
Throughout every day we are faced with one decision after another. Some bigger, some smaller, but ultimately each and every one of those decisions are the same as the three wise men faced.
Which King are we going to honor?
God will do the same for us that He did for the wise men.
He will let us know what we should do if we will just listen.
As we begin the season of Epiphany and start this new year, full of opportunities and possibilities, be prepared to decide which King you’re going to honor and make your decisions accordingly.

Nobody said it would be easy, but ultimately, the investment is worth it.