After This Past Week…I’m Trying to Get the Apples Gathered Back Up
Something happened this past week that has never happened before.

Since I started writing weekly blog posts in October of 2015…I’ve never missed a week.
When I started, I committed to myself that I would write and post weekly.
The question is…should I still be committed to this?
Commitment is a good thing. We just need to be careful what we’re committed to. Why did I make this commitment? Is it still a valid commitment? Is it worth the time it takes? All questions that need to be answered.
This past week was spent moving some furniture from Salem, Missouri to Spearfish South Dakota for my mother-in-law. This was done to help my wife and her family, who are dealing with a difficult situation.
Life is full of difficult decisions. The question is…what is the highest priority?
This past week it was helping family over posting.
Being a routine motivated person, disruption to my routines spilled apples everywhere. Routine gives me a since of control and I don’t like it when things are out of control. I like things organized.

As I’m gathering the apples back up, I’m asking myself how I can better deal with disruptions in the future? Because I know who I am and how I operate, it’s up to me to decide.
I may need to replace some bad apples with some new ones.
We need to be careful that routines don’t become the reason that we’re doing things. It’s important to periodically step back, review what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.
A cart full of organized apples is no good if we don’t enjoy an apple pie once and a while.