Learning to Live Life from the Bible
Over the past couple of weeks, we been looking forward to Easter through a series of messages about Peter’s relationship with Jesus.
The first week was about Peter’s introduction to Jesus (John 1:35-42) by his brother Andrew. This simple act of introduction changed not only Peter’s life but the lives of those he met, as well as people throughout history and even still today.

Being introduced to Jesus can have this same kind of impact on us today and others that are introduced to Him.
Last week was about Peter’s invitation from Jesus (Matthew 4:18-20, Luke 5:1-11). Jesus invited Peter to follow Him and fish for people rather than fish.
Jesus invites every one of us to join Him. He gives us the direction of where to go and how to do it…whatever our “it” is.
This week we learned about Peter’s instructions from Jesus. A big part of learning is instruction. We all need it, but too often think we have it all figured out. Peter was no different.

In Mark 8:31-9:1 Jesus tells His followers that He is going to suffer terrible things, ultimately going to be killed and then be raised from the dead. This is not the kind of king the people were expecting, and Peter reprimanded Jesus for saying it.
Jesus then told Peter, “Get behind me Satan. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”
Jesus went on to tell the crowd that if they wanted to be His followers that they needed to quit focusing on their worldly thoughts and focus first and foremost on what He was telling them.
Just like the people listening to Jesus then, we need to be open to His instruction in our lives today.
We can get His instruction today through daily reading of the Bible, being a part of a Bible-believing church, and communicating with Him regularly through prayer.
Invitation, introduction, and instruction…a good way to live life.