Offer a Drink of Water to Someone Who Needs it

Share Your Unique Talents with Others

Too often we feel small and insignificant. Like, the thing we do isn’t really that important. Why would anybody need what I have to offer?

When someone’s thirsty and you give them a drink of water…it’s a big deal.

We all have been given unique gifts that we are expected to use. Others need these things that we have.

Imagine your car breaking down in 100-degree heat. After trying to figure out what’s wrong you give up and start walking to the house you pasted a couple of miles back. You have no water and the sun is beating down. You finally reach the house and knock on the door. When the door opens the cool air of the air conditioning wafts out and feels great. The person at the door is holding a glass of ice water. As you stand there, they step out on the porch, closing the door and dumping the water on the ground.

This is what we are doing when we keep our gifts to ourselves and don’t share them.

God has given us these talents. No matter how insignificant we think they are, when we keep them to ourselves, we are wasting them. We are keeping a drink from someone who is thirsty.

In last week’s post I wrote about how important even the smallest things are to God. Too often, we take small things for granted. We see things from a worldly perspective rather than from God’s. In 1 Corinthians 12:14-27 we are given the example of how a human body is made up of many parts and the same is true for the way we all are designed to work together.

Every small kind thing we do for others is God working through us.

We are valued by God. When we accept and experience this value, it causes us to flourish. These abilities should be shared because this is what we’ve been called to do. It’s what we’re here for. In Matthew 10:42 we are told to give a cup of cold water to these little ones.

Share your cold water with anyone who needs some.

Things Have a Way of Changing Quickly

In Times of Change it is Important to Keep Your Focus

If you had told someone a few weeks ago that there wouldn’t be any toilet paper in the stores…schools would be closed…all sporting events would be canceled…people would be staying at home…they wouldn’t have believed you. We definitely are experiencing some change.

This change has happened quickly, but that’s nothing new.

When Jesus came into Jerusalem on Psalm Sunday, He was viewed by many as a hero that was going to lead the people to a new kingdom. Then in a matter of a few days, He was dead. Things changed quickly from celebration to sorrow. Then in a few more days there was another change. He was raised from death to life.

There are positive changes coming in our future.

Some people didn’t like Jesus’ message. Some people don’t like our message. Just like Jesus, not everyone is going to understand or like our message. It can be hard to continue sharing our message when it feels like no one is listening. We need to focus on the message we’ve been given and never stop sharing it.

Jesus was a small country boy who started speaking to a small following. He kept sharing His message He never quit or gave up. He shared it with a few people who then shared it with a few people who shared with a few more. Look at how many people have heard it now. Proof that networking can work to build a community of followers.

The right message shared with the right people at the right time will have a major impact.

It’s not our job to know who the right people are or when the right time is. Our job is to focus on the message. To share, share again and share some more.