It is Foundational to Who We Are
Pastor Lee has asked the congregation to share their testimonies periodically over the last year. These have been titled, “What Tisdale Means to Me”. This was the message this past week.

Garth and Amy shared what Tisdale means to them from different perspectives. Garth has a long-term family connection, while Amy’s connection happened later in her life. Both shared fond memories and the importance of the warm welcoming feelings of a church family.
I certainly can relate to these feelings. Having grown up in this church the connection I have there is a foundational part of who I am. The current situation while we aren’t physically gathering together is depressing. I miss my church family. I’ve never been a big hugger, I am a handshaker…
I’m looking forward to some handshaking and yes, even some hugging.

I hear a lot about how the current state of online social connection is going to replace much of the physical connection, this concerns me.
We are made to be connected physically.
When Jesus was here on Earth people were always reaching out to touch Him and that simple act of touching healed them, Mark 6:56, Luke 6:19 and 18:15-16. Jesus’ act of healing people often involved touching them, Mathew 9:29 and Mark 1:41-42.

For years I’ve heard about the importance of physical touch to babies and children. In a 2010 article by Katherine Harmon, she points out the importance that skin-to-skin contact has on infants and children. She points out that, “babies cry less, sleep better and their brain development is facilitated”, when they are touched.

In another article, “Importance of Human Touch”, written in 2017 by Mary Bauer, it is explained that not only is touch important to child development, but also to the elderly and aged. “Results from a study published in “Current Biology” in 2015 suggest that humans derive pleasure from touching…”.
We were made to share and connect through community. As thankful as I am that we can connect through social media and online formats.
It is no substitute for real live personal connection.
We will not survive science fiction like long distance relationships. That is not how God made us. We were made to be physical.